Our optimised process and experience

Through a combined experience of over 20 years, our network has a great wealth of knowledge in dealing with small businesses. We have combined these experiences to create an efficient and results-oriented process to complete projects.


Planning is an essential step in any type of project. Once a query is received we begin to create your plan with the main objective being to achieve your goals.

The work you receive will include planning for the short, medium & long-term goals of the business.

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We create a brand

A brand is a business and marketing strategy that helps people recognise a product, service, or individual. This includes first impressions, and how you present yourself and maintain a relationship.

You want to be in the position where you are interesting enough to follow but you never really want to be unfollowed.

However. You want them to become a customer of your service or product.

Using the brand approach the aim is to sit in the middle of your niche's social circle and stay relevant. Sticking around for long enough while providing outstanding service will allow you to become an icon and go-to brand in your industry. Easier said than done!

An organic audience is worth the world. The less you can pay to be shown to potential customers, the more you become less dependent on that extra spending.

We decide on sections

Once a brand is created we move on to the website build process which begins with creating a funnel for the customer. Feed them the information they are looking for and make it as easy as possible for them to take action.

Example of wireframing.

We take a look into your competition and industry leaders to get an insight into what’s working.

At this point, we now know your brand very well and will be able to craft a true reflection of your business, while being optimised for incoming traffic.

Create content

With the sections confirmed you now need some content that allows the designer to create amazing graphics and interfaces.

Having the content readily available you can create a reflection without having to cut back later down the time. You simply cannot create such a thing without the. correct content representing the business.

Unfortunately, we don't provide content writing in our main package but can be purchased as a one-off cost.

Design website, social or other design

The Design Team can now do the hard work and create unique but beautiful elements to make a true representation of your brand.

Before getting carried away with colours, fonts, shapes, and logos, the designer must make a map of the pages and create a flow to the site.

We take a user experience approach meaning we make it easy as possible for potential customers to navigate, contact, and make a purchase.

We then build and deliver

The design is passed on to the code whizz to put the website into action. These guys will now make it come alive.

These guys set up the backend, the page structure, and any custom functionality. They also set up Google analytics, event tracking, and any necessary scripts to take your site to the next level.

We are capable in many different content management systems including WordPress, Shopify, and Netlify however we usually leave these out to save you time and money on learning and using them.

Ongoing Support

Fear not of being alone in the online world once you have your website. We still have your back as long as you have a membership for 24/7 online support.

Any issues you may be experiencing with your websites such as queries, requests, advice or any changes, can all be submitted as a ticket for our team to pick up.